Plum Point Lodge COVID-19 Message
As our customers know, there have been many positive changes at Plum Point Lodge on Seneca (formerly, the Rainbow Cove Resort) over the past two seasons. During the winter months, we have been diligently planning other improvements and additions to the experience to be offered our customers this coming season at our extraordinary lakefront hideaway.
As with most other businesses in the area and elsewhere, a high degree of uncertainty has been injected into our business by reason of the coronavirus pandemic, and the measures being implemented to blunt its effect. As you will no doubt understand, it is not presently clear what the playing field will look like come May, when we would normally reopen for the new season.
Whatever the future holds, you can rest assured that we are anxious to re-engage with our customers just as soon as reasonably possible. You can also be assured that we will seek in good faith to take whatever extra steps may be necessary to offer a clean and sanitary environment, with our employees’ and customers’ health and safety as primary considerations.
As more clarity emerges during the coming weeks as to what we will be required and/or allowed to do with respect to our upcoming season, we will be sure to inform you of our plans and intentions. For current information, please check our website (www.plumpointlodgeflx.com) and Facebook Page (Plum Point Lodge) from time to time. In the meantime, please be prudent and stay well!