Site Redesign and Schedule Update
Two “big deal” things are happening this week at Plum Point Lodge on Seneca: (1) we introduce our new and improved web site (same web address – www.plumpointlodgeflx.com); and (2) we open the Lodge and Restaurant Sapalta for all seven days a week (as opposed to just three days, which was the case for the past three weeks).
We have done a lot of work to redesign the site to make it easier to navigate and have added a lot of content about the hotel and things to do in the Finger Lakes. So even if you’re familiar with our old web site, please take a look at the new one, as you’ll find additional information and improved functionality, whether dealing with room reservations, gift certificates, special events or other aspects of a stay at our stunning lakeside hideaway. Of course, our front desk (607-243-7535) continues to be available to help and answer questions, and we encourage you to contact us directly if you have any issues.
Covid-19 has been a tough go for all of us, and it has delayed Plum Point’s full-time seasonal reopening. Despite the increase in our hospitality operations, we remain as concerned as you about the health and safety of both our staff and guests, and have new protocols in place to address these issues. While we all understand that it’s not over, we think our health and safety measures will reduce the associated coronavirus risks. Hopefully you will agree that we are a great way to break your “cabin fever”, so please come see us soon and often!!